FreeBSD is a popular operating system known for its robustness and security features. However, some users may find it challenging to install packages that are readily available in other Linux distributions such as Kali Linux. In this post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to install Kali Linux packages on FreeBSD. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the installation process and be able to use your favorite Kali Linux tools on FreeBSD. So, let’s get started!


Penetration testing tools

  • Metasploit: a popular framework for developing, testing, and executing exploits against remote systems.
  • Dirbuster: a web application brute-forcing tool used for finding hidden directories and files.
  • Nikto: an open-source web server scanner that performs comprehensive tests against web servers.
  • Gobuster: a tool for brute-forcing URIs (directories and files) on web applications.
  • Aircrack-ng: a network software suite used to assess WiFi network security.
  • Crunch: a tool used to generate custom wordlists used for password cracking.

Network scanning and reconnaissance tools

  • DNSmap: a tool that performs DNS enumeration and information gathering on target networks.
  • DNSenum: a tool used for DNS enumeration to gather subdomains and other information.
  • Fping: a ping utility used to quickly scan large networks.
  • Nbtscan: a tool used to discover NetBIOS nameservers on a network.
  • P0f: a passive OS fingerprinting tool.
  • Masscan: a high-speed port scanner used for scanning large networks.
  • Dnsrecon: a DNS reconnaissance tool.

Security assessment and auditing tools

  • OpenVAS: a powerful vulnerability scanning and management tool.
  • Lynis: a security auditing tool used to harden and secure Linux/Unix systems.
  • Rkhunter: a rootkit scanning tool used to detect known rootkits, backdoors, and other malware.
  • SSLsplit: a tool used for intercepting and manipulating SSL/TLS encrypted connections.
  • SSLscan: a fast SSL/TLS scanner.
  • Ssldump: an SSL/TLS network protocol analyzer.

Miscellaneous tools

  • Macchanger: a tool used for spoofing MAC addresses.
  • Proxychains: a tool used for proxying network connections.
  • Whatweb: a web scanner used to identify technologies used on web applications.
  • Hydra: a brute-forcing tool used for cracking remote authentication services.
  • Hping3: a tool used for packet crafting and network testing.
  • Medusa: a speedy, parallel, and modular login brute-forcer.
  • Ptunnel: a tool used for tunneling over ICMP protocols.
  • Reaver: a tool used to brute-force WPS PINs on WiFi networks.
  • Arping: a tool used for probing hosts on a network to determine if they are alive.
  • Minicom: a terminal emulator and serial communication program.
  • Gnuradio: a software development toolkit for building software-defined radios.

Note: Some of these packages may have overlapping functionalities and can fall into multiple categories, and this categorization is not exhaustive.

Package Installations

pkg install -y metasploit macchanger proxychains whatweb dirbuster nikto gobuster dnsmap dnsenum httrack aircrack-ng crunch john arping fping gnuradio openvas hydra hping3 masscan lynis medusa minicom nbtscan p0f ptunnel reaver rkhunter sipp dnsrecon sslsplit sslscan ssldump


  • dnsrecon removed due to incompatibility to thunar file manager